
在08年的中国(南湖)防爆电器产业发展战略研讨会上,南湖区七星镇被授予“中国防爆电器研发制造_”的称号。In 2008 in China (South Lake) Explosion-proof Electric Industrial Development Strategy Seminar, the South Lake District Seven Town was awarded the "China R & D explosion-proof electrical manufacturing base" in the title.
据了解,该市在防爆电器、汽配机电、通讯电子、特种钢材、香精香料等多个优势产业都逐渐的形成了特色产业为主导、优势企业为主体的新型产业体系。据悉全国防爆电器十强企业大多都落户在七星镇。在08年创正、飞策与华夏三家防爆企业已经在该镇投产或将投产,预计在此后的3-5年内将可达到15亿元的年产值。在七星防爆产业发展目标上,到2020年将会再引进约20家大型防爆电器企业,除力争2至3家企业上市外,还要实现年产值50亿元以上,占全国防爆电器行业产值的60%以上。Explosion-proof industrial development in the Seven goals by 2020 will be an introduction of about 20 large explosion-proof electrical companies, in addition to striving to 2-3 enterprises are listed, but also achieve the annual output value of more than 5 billion yuan, accounting for explosion-proof electrical industry, over 60% of output.
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